Enlist Duo™ herbicide

Enlist Duo™ herbicide

Twice as tough on problem weeds

A proprietary blend of glyphosate and new 2,4-D choline, Enlist Duo™ herbicide with Colex-D™ Technology is key to the performance of the Enlist™ weed control system.

Enlist Duo combines two proven modes of action for exceptional control of a broad spectrum of weeds — including hard-to-control and resistant weeds. In addition, Enlist Duo offers advanced technology that reduces the potential for off-target movement and improved handling.



The effectiveness you expect


Giant ragweed


Application of glyphosate only

Application of Enlist Duo™ herbicide


In a Dow AgroSciences field trial, an application of glyphosate didn’t finish the job against giant ragweed. Compare that with the complete control delivered by Enlist Duo herbicide.

Source: 2011 Ontario field trials

Weed Chart

Enlist Duo™ herbicide will provide control of major, tough weed species — including glyphosate-resistant Giant Ragweed, Canada fleabane, waterhemp and kochia.

Control of tough weeds in soybeans

In soybean trials, Enlist Duo herbicide outperformed applications of glyphosate plus dicamba and glyphosate alone — especially against tough weed species like resistant giant ragweed and waterhemp.

Source: 2013 Corteva Agriscience and University trials

Excellent = ≥90% control Fair = 80-90% control Poor = <80% control
*Includes glyphosate-resistant biotypes



On-target application, improved handling

When it comes to controlling weeds and making on-target applications, no combination of glyphosate, 2,4-D or dicamba compares with Enlist Duo herbicide with Colex-D Technology. Colex-D Technology is engineered to help the herbicide land and stay on target, while improving handling and reducing odor.

It all adds up to exceptional weed control in the field — and even greater peace of mind when applying Enlist Duo


The innovations introduced with Colex-D Technology help growers and applicators address challenges beyond controlling tough weeds.


90% less drift than traditional 2,4-D


drift reduction 1drift_reduction2

Tank mix of glyphosate + traditional 2,4-D

Enlist Duo herbicide with Colex-D Technology


Colex-D Technology combines with low-drift nozzles to reduce drift as much as 90% compared with traditional 2,4-D.


drift reduction 1drift_reduction2

Tank mix of glyphosate + traditional 2,4-D

Enlist Duo herbicide with Colex-D Technology




Fits the way you farm

The label for Enlist Duo herbicide allows application on Enlist™ corn up to V8 stage or 120 cm in height. Enlist Duo can be applied in Enlist E3™ soybeans through R2 or full flower. So it works seamlessly with modern farming practices.

Enlist Duo is recommended as part of a herbicide program approach to weed management. After planting, growers can choose from a range of soil-applied residual herbicides in corn and soybeans for broad-spectrum control to start the season. Then follow up with a timely postemergence application of Enlist Duo.

The two modes of action in Enlist Duo work within a program approach — one that begins with a residual foundation herbicide. Neither dicamba nor 2,4-D provide reliable residual control. A program approach must include a residual herbicide to manage resistance and achieve season-long control.