Every farmer has a breaking point

Get results, not excuses.

Neighbor-friendly weed control.

Don’t let spray restrictions hold you back

Neighbor-friendly weed control in more fields than ever.

Farmers are taking control of weeds like never before on million and millions of acres with the Enlist® weed control system. By planting crops with the Enlist trait, you’re able to unlock superior weed control. You'll get herbicide tolerance to 2,4-D choline, glyphosate and glufosinate when you plant Enlist E3® soybeans and Enlist® cotton. See what a better seed and herbicide system can bring to your fields.

The Enlist® Weed Control System

The unrivaled system starts with Enlist® herbicide-tolerant traits that enable the use of our powerful Enlist herbicides. And to make sure you get the most from the system, the Enlist Ahead management resource provides tools and training.

Sprayer at sunset


Get weed control with inherently low volatility and reduced physical drift potential with Enlist® herbicides.

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Enlist soybeans ground level at sunrise


Enlist traits enable control against the toughest weeds in soybeans, cotton and corn.

Explore traits
Tractor in barn; farmer with jug of herbicide

Management Resources

The Enlist Ahead management resource helps you get the best results from the Enlist system.

See resources

Enlist E3® U.S. soybeans are expected to represent more than 50% of the market in 2023. Farmers have looked and leaped for the superior technology of the Enlist® weed control system.

— Q1 2023 Quarterly Earnings Report

Enlist Die-Hard Farmers

Famers like you are making the switch

Farmers aren’t just loyal. They’re die-hards. But from Ohio to Texas, farmers like you have reached their breaking point with dicamba. And with this video series, you can see why they’re making the switch to the Enlist® weed control system. 

Watch Farmer Stories

Man tank mixing Enlist

Tank-mix With Enlist® Herbicides

Find qualified tank-mix partners for Enlist One® and Enlist Duo® herbicides. With more than 1,600 qualified tank-mix products with Enlist One herbicide, you can find the right options to fit your weed pressures.

Get Tank-mix Options

Get expert tips and learn more about the Enlist® system from our in-field, technical experts.

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