Application Guide

View Application Guide

Apply Enlist® herbicides with confidence

Review before spraying to ensure successful applications. You can also download the PDF version of this guide. Review the label for full application requirements.

Before Spraying

Application window

application window

Apply Enlist® herbicides within the appropriate growth stage windows when weeds are shorter than 6 inches.


Enlist® cotton: Before first white bloom
Enlist E3® soybeans: Through R1 growth stage
Enlist® corn: No larger than V8 growth stage or 30 inches tall, unless applying with drop nozzles, then may spray up to 48 inches tall


Tank-mix partners

tank mix partners

Use multiple effective modes of action, and only tank-mix Enlist Duo® and Enlist One® herbicides with qualified tank-mix partners. Find all qualified tank-mix partners at



Use only qualified nozzle and pressure combinations listed on the product labels of Enlist® herbicides to ensure optimum spray coverage. Find all qualified nozzles at

Watch the nozzle selection video for additional tips and steps to calibrate your nozzles




Sprayer contamination

Sprayer contamination

Clean your sprayer before using Enlist herbicides to avoid contamination from a prior application.

Wind speed, weather

wind speed, weather

Wind speed: Drift potential is lowest at wind speeds less than 10 mph. Target applications at wind speeds greater than 3 mph but less than 10 mph.
Caution: Do not apply at wind speeds greater than 15 mph.
Consult: Some states have additional restrictions on wind speed. Check your state regulations on wind speed.

Temperature inversions: Do not spray during a temperature inversion. Watch this video to better understand temperature inversions and how to ensure on-target application.
Caution: Inversions are more common between dusk and dawn.

Susceptible crops

Susceptible crops

Spray when wind is blowing away from susceptible crops listed on the Enlist herbicide labels. This includes: tomatoes, fruiting vegetables, cucurbits (such as pumpkins or melons), grapes, cotton without the Enlist trait and tobacco.
Caution: There is no acceptable buffer distance when the wind is blowing toward an adjacent susceptible crop. DO NOT SPRAY if wind is blowing toward a susceptible crop.

Application Instructions

Spray volume

Spray volume

When weeds are shorter than 6 inches, use a spray volume of 10 to 15 gallons or more per acre for ground equipment and apply with calibrated ground equipment.

Do not apply less than 10 gallons of total spray volume per acre. In general, increase spray volume as crop canopy, height and weed density increase to obtain adequate spray coverage.1




Spray rate

Spray rate

Use spray rates from the product label when weeds are shorter than 6 inches and crops are within the appropriate growth stage window.
Enlist Duo® herbicide: Spray 4.75 pints per acre.
Enlist One® herbicide: Spray 2 pints per acre.

Spray pressure

Spray pressure

Use an appropriate spray pressure based on product label requirements and conditions to ensure optimum coverage. Ground speed, product volume and nozzle selection all factor into the appropriate spray pressure.


Boom height

Boom height

To minimize spray drift potential, maintain a boom height as specified by the nozzle manufacturer, usually 24 inches or less above crop canopy.1




After applying an Enlist herbicide, follow the proper steps to clean out your sprayer – including a clean-water flushing with 10% of tank volume. Triple rinse is required for all cleanouts unless the next crop you are spraying is glyphosate-resistant corn.


Download the sprayer cleanout guide or watch the sprayer cleanout video for more information.


1Always read and follow the product label as well as state and local requirements.