Herbicide Partners

This season, double down on your toughest weeds.

The first step to a successful season is taking advantage of the Enlist® weed control system. With the Enlist system as the cornerstone of your program approach, you’ll have the flexibility to overcome difficult weed challenges with over 1,700 qualified tank-mix partners. And you can employ the industry-leading residual herbicide portfolio from Corteva Agriscience for control all season long. 

Preferred preemergence soybean residuals for Enlist E3® soybeans

Pre residual herbicides play a critical role in keeping Enlist E3® soybean fields clean. Using a high-quality soil residual introduces different sites of action and helps keep the weed pressure in check, setting you up for better success when you make postemergence applications that include an Enlist® herbicide.

Kyber Pro Logo

Kyber® Pro herbicide provides exceptional control of more than 50 broadleaf and grass weeds, including hard-to-control and ALS- and PPO-resistant weeds like Palmer amaranth and waterhemp. The new formulation also offers up to six weeks of residual activity.

  • Three sites of action: metribuzin, flumioxazin, pyroxasulfone
  • Application flexibility: apply up to three days postplant
  • Each individual site of action in Kyber Pro is effective against difficult, herbicide-resistant weeds.

Sonic Boom logo

Sonic® Boom herbicide offers two powerful modes of action, plus superior crop safety, for clean fields and higher yield potential. This solution is especially effective against difficult, resistant broadleaves, including waterhemp, Palmer amaranth, marestail and kochia.

  • Two sites of action: metribuzin, sulfentrazone
  • Application flexibility: apply up to three days postplant
  • Sonic® Boom comes in a convenient liquid premix for easy applications.


Sonic logo

Sonic® herbicide is a trusted product that includes two sites of action, providing great residual efficacy on both large- and small-seeded broadleaf weeds as well as offering grass suppression. Plus, you get the flexibility to apply Sonic herbicide up to three days postplant.

  • Two sites of action: sulfentrazone, cloransulam
  • Application flexibility: Spray up to three days postplant
  • Works in a tank mix with Enlist Duo® or Enlist One® herbicide


Trivence logo

Trivence® herbicide offers three sites of action to deliver reliable control of challenging broadleaf weeds in soybeans while helping preserve the efficacy of existing herbicide options. It’s effective against Palmer amaranth, marestail, waterhemp, giant ragweed, morningglory, common lambsquarters and more.

  • Three sites of action: chlorimuron, flumioxazin, metribuzin
  • Use for burndown and residual control


Preferred postemergence soybean residuals for Enlist E3® soybeans

Using a postapplied residual herbicide with Enlist E3® soybeans lengthens weed control while providing an additional site of action as the crop moves toward canopy.

Enversa logo

Enversa herbicide is a propriety encapsulated acetochlor that, once applied, drives to the soil, which creates a protective residual barrier and provides excellent crop safety. The new solution also offers a wide application window — preplant up to R2 on soybeans and up to first bloom on cotton — to help navigate challenging weather conditions.


  • Enversa herbicide is the residual tank-mix partner of choice for Enlist One® herbicide.
  • Offers several weeks’ residual control of more than 25 broadleaf and grass weeds.
  • Labeled for use on multiple crops, including Enlist E3 soybeans, Enlist® cotton and Enlist® corn.



EverPreX logo

EverpreX® herbicide provides flexibility and an additional site of action for farmers who plant Enlist E3 soybeans.

  • Reliable residual control of grasses and broadleaf weeds with S-metolachlor
  • Can be tank-mixed with Enlist One in postemergence passes
  • Labeled for use in Enlist E3 soybeans, Enlist cotton and Enlist corn


Preferred preemergence and postemergence corn residuals for Enlist® Corn

Resicore® REV, Resicore® and Kyro herbicides each offer multiple sites of action, diverse sites of action and extended residual activity, and that fit very well into a program approach to protect Enlist® corn.

Resicore REV logo

Resicore® REV herbicide offers the proven, powerful weed control farmers have come to expect from Resicore® herbicide in a new high-performance formulation that offers supercharged tank-mix compatibility and boosted crop safety. Plus, Resicore® REV herbicide can be applied preplant, pre- or postemergence on corn up to 24 inches tall, providing the flexibility to handle application delays.

  • Three sites of action: acetochlor, mesotrione, clopyralid
  • Application flexibility: spray on corn up to 24 inches tall


Resicore logo

The three powerful sites of action in Resicore® herbicide deliver long-lasting residual for excellent weed control on 75 of the toughest broadleaf and grass weeds, including Palmer amaranth, waterhemp and marestail. Resicore herbicide also has the flexibility to be used in a postemergence application and with glyphosate, atrazine and other corn herbicides.

  • Three sites of action: acetochlor, mesotrione, clopyralid
  • Application flexibility: spray on corn up to 11 inches tall


Kyro logo

Kyro herbicide is a postemergence solution that combines three unique sites of action to control more than 65 troublesome broadleaf and grass weeds. This novel formulation is the first to offer acetochlor, clopyralid and topramezone together in one convenient premix, providing farmers another powerful option outside of glyphosate and ALS herbicides to control resistant grasses.

  • Three sites of action: acetochlor, clopyralid, topramezone
  • Application flexibility: spray on corn up to 24 inches tall
  • Works in a tank mix with Enlist One® herbicide


The transgenic soybean event in Enlist E3 soybeans is jointly developed and owned by Corteva Agriscience LLC and MS Technologies, LLC.