Fewer Restrictions = More Freedom to Operate
Don't let June dicamba in-crop application deadlines dictate your spray timing. By choosing the Enlist® weed control system over dicamba, you can spray when it makes sense for YOU.

There are a lot of myths, misconceptions and confusion around row-crop herbicides and the regulations some have.
MYTH: Dicamba regulations aren’t that serious.
FACT: Stricter regulations make it less convenient to use dicamba in certain areas.
Enlist herbicides provide more flexibility for farmers with wide application windows and no calendar cutoff dates, unlike dicamba.
Enlist herbicides also have more than 1,700 qualified tank-mix partners, no time-of-day application restrictions and a broad range of qualified nozzles so farmers can find the right balance of coverage and drift control.
Get the facts behind four common weed control myths here.