Diligence Pays in Weed Control
Multiple: There are multiple resistant weeds facing farmers in Arkansas.
Few: There are very few herbicide options for farmers to choose from to control tough weeds.
Having farmed and operated a custom application business for years, Malcolm Haigwood knows the weed landscape and available options in Arkansas. He values the Enlist™ weed control system to manage tough weeds. He also understands the importance of properly using the technology.
“I had no problem following the label for Enlist One herbicide,” Haigwood says. “The buffers were clear, and I liked the use rate and tank-mix options.” Farmers can tank-mix Enlist One herbicide with glufosinate, glyphosate or a range of additional tank-mix partners.
So, how does he do it? Haigwood is proactive with his weed control plan, targeting weeds when they’re just sprouts, if Mother Nature allows.
The flexibility to tank-mix allowed him to switch up his herbicide modes of action with each pass and develop a winning combination to control the targeted pigweed and marestail. In the fields where Mother Nature brought excess moisture and delayed his planned application, the flexible application window for Enlist One provided him ample time to catch the weeds.
“I’m impressed. Enlist One and the various tank-mix options provided excellent control,” Haigwood says. “In addition, no volatility or drift with Enlist One. There are susceptible crops in the area, and we had no issues. It most definitely provided me confidence.”
When asked if he’d use it again, Haigwood was quick to respond “definitely,” adding that the technology is extremely valuable to his operation. He notes he has limited tools to control pigweed, and the Enlist system provides him the flexible option he needs for his cotton acres. He’s also looking forward to using Enlist E3® soybeans in the future.