Josh Turner

I grew up alongside my dad and grandpa farming. It’s always been something I really enjoy. Today, I manage our corn and soybean farm. I’m always looking to learn more about new products and technologies to improve weed control and better our yield. New technology, such as the Enlist™ weed control system, is better today than anything we had in the past. It will be a great asset on our farm as we look to control resistant weeds.

  • Missouri

  • Soybeans

  • Waterhemp

  • Mix of no-till and conventional tillage


October 20, 2016


Happy with yield of Enlist E3 soybeans


I was happy with the yield of the Enlist E3 soybeans. The ground was bean-on-bean, which takes away from your ability to get the highest-possible yield.

I would recommend anyone try Enlist E3 soybeans. They have excellent weed control, even of hard-to-control weeds. They’ll get good yield. It’s the total package. I’ll plant Enlist E3 soybeans again.


October 20, 2016


Clean field at harvest

The Enlist E3 soybeans were good. They dried down good and cut fairly easy. The field was clean. We had good bean size and pretty uniform plants.

September 15, 2016

Wet field conditions


We are soaked. It rained solid for two days. The crops are looking good. We’re expecting our beans to be 10 bushels per acre better than normal for yield.

August 04, 2016



We just got three inches of rain, so we have good moisture. The Enlist E3 beans are looking like they'll do great. We have excellent podset, close nodes, and they were loaded with flowers. They're big, bushy beans. We applied fungicide this week, which should give us an extra boost. With another rain or two, we'll have a tremendous crop of beans.

July 12, 2016


No signs of damage on Enlist E3™ soybeans

After the Enlist Duo herbicide application, I could see no evidence at all on the beans. There was no burn or wrinkling of leaves at all. The tolerance to the chemical is a big value.

We’ve used chemicals on other beans in the past, and you see burn and you get the setback. To have a healthy plant without any setback, without any burn, and get it quicker to canopy, quicker to covering those weeds, I feel like is a very valuable asset.

July 05, 2016



Enlist Duo did what we expected. We got good weed control. The beans have canopied, so we have full canopy with a clean field. That's encouraging after the last few years when we had weeds before we could establish a full canopy.

In comparison to other herbicides we’ve used, we got as good or better immediate weed control with less hindrance to the beans. If the herbicide causes beans to stunt for a week when you're trying to get them to canopy, it's tough. Enlist Duo controlled weeds on contact without burning the beans. I have not seen any effect on the crop.

June 29, 2016


First observations of Enlist Duo herbicide

Enlist Duo herbicide came down in a curtain behind the sprayer. It did not move off-target. The waterhemp was wilting within 30 minutes of spraying.

June 13, 2016


I’m really happy with the emergence of the Enlist E3 soybeans, especially given the tough conditions – heavy rains followed by very dry conditions. After a stand count, the final plant population is within 10,000 plants. Crop emergence has been strong.


June 07, 2016



Having fewer plant-back restrictions provides a huge value. It seems like the planting windows are getting shorter and the amount of acres you need to plant are getting bigger. If you can get in to plant right after burndown, that’s a pretty big deal.

In my area, there were several guys who sprayed with conventional 2,4-D for burndown and had to wait. With the weather, they missed the planting window. Another guy rushed it and planted just two days after using conventional 2,4-D and ended up replanting.

May 25, 2016


Sunshine greets Enlist E3™ soybean planting

Planting went well with the Enlist E3 soybeans. At first it was a bit cloudy with a light sprinkle, but the sun came out soon after we got started. While planting, we were taking notice of all the wilted and dying weeds. Enlist Duo herbicide provided excellent coverage and control as a burndown application.

May 22, 2016


An hour after burndown with Enlist Duo herbicide: wilting weeds

Enlist Duo herbicide provided a very good burndown. The coverage was excellent. All the weeds quickly began to wilt and die after application.

May 02, 2016

Wet field conditions


We received 2.5 inches of rain last week so the ground is pretty soaked. It’s supposed to be dry this week so hopefully we can be back in the fields by the end of the week.

April 25, 2016



Planting is going really well. The soils are mellow. We’ve finished planting corn and are ready to get started on beans. Pending weather, we anticipate planting our Enlist E3 soybeans next week.

April 08, 2016



I’ve seen Enlist in plots. I’m looking forward to seeing it on my farm. From what I’ve seen, with the ease of use and low volatility, I think people are really going to like the product.